The (Azure CLI) Way to Specify Etag Conditions for Subnet Updates
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The (Azure CLI) Way to Specify Etag Conditions for Subnet Updates

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Are you tired of dealing with concurrency issues when updating Azure subnets using the Azure CLI? Do you want to ensure that your subnet updates are applied only when the resource is in a specific state? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the (Azure CLI) way to specify that a certain subnet update operation should only be applied if the etag of the subnet resource has a certain value.

What is Etag and Why Do We Need It?

Etag, short for Entity Tag, is a unique identifier assigned to each Azure resource, including subnets. It’s used to track changes to the resource and ensure that updates are applied correctly. When you update a subnet, Azure generates a new etag for the resource. If someone else updates the subnet before you, the etag will change, and your update will fail. This is where conditional updates come in.

Conditional Updates with Etag

Azure CLI provides a way to specify conditions for subnet updates using the `–if-match` parameter. This parameter takes an etag value as an argument. When you specify an etag value, the update operation will only be applied if the current etag of the subnet resource matches the specified value.

Why Use Conditional Updates?

There are several reasons why you should use conditional updates when updating Azure subnets:

  • Concurrency control**: Ensure that multiple users or scripts don’t overwrite each other’s changes.
  • Data consistency**: Verify that the subnet resource is in the expected state before applying updates.
  • Rollback safety**: Prevent unintended changes to the subnet resource.

Specifying Etag Conditions with Azure CLI

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s dive into the how. To specify an etag condition for a subnet update using Azure CLI, follow these steps:

Step 1: Get the Current Etag Value

First, you need to get the current etag value of the subnet resource using the following command:

az network vnet subnet show --resource-group  --vnet-name  --name  --query etag --output tsv

Replace ``, ``, and `` with the actual values for your Azure resources.

Step 2: Update the Subnet with Conditional Etag

Once you have the current etag value, you can update the subnet with the conditional etag using the following command:

az network vnet subnet update --resource-group  --vnet-name  --name  --if-match "" --set 

Replace `` with the actual etag value obtained in Step 1, and `` with the desired update settings.

Example: Updating a Subnet with Conditional Etag

Say you want to update a subnet with a new address prefix:

az network vnet subnet update --resource-group myResourceGroup --vnet-name myVnet --name mySubnet --if-match "0x8d4...f43d" --set address-prefixes=

In this example, the update operation will only be applied if the current etag value of the subnet resource is `0x8d4…f43d`.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

In this section, we’ll cover some common scenarios and solutions related to specifying etag conditions for subnet updates.

Scenario 1: Handling Etag Mismatch

What happens if the etag value specified in the update command doesn’t match the current etag value of the subnet resource?

In this case, Azure CLI will return an error message indicating that the etag values don’t match. You can use the `–if-none-match` parameter to specify an alternative etag value or use the `–if-match` parameter with a wildcard character (`*`) to update the subnet regardless of the current etag value.

Scenario 2: Updating Multiple Subnets

How do you update multiple subnets with conditional etag values?

You can use the `–if-match` parameter with a space-separated list of etag values. For example:

az network vnet subnet update --resource-group myResourceGroup --vnet-name myVnet --name mySubnet1 mySubnet2 --if-match "0x8d4...f43d 0x9e5...g67h"

In this example, the update operation will only be applied to `mySubnet1` if its current etag value is `0x8d4…f43d` and to `mySubnet2` if its current etag value is `0x9e5…g67h`.


In this article, we’ve explored the (Azure CLI) way to specify that a certain subnet update operation should only be applied if the etag of the subnet resource has a certain value. By using conditional updates with etag, you can ensure data consistency, concurrency control, and rollback safety when updating Azure subnets. Remember to always specify the correct etag value to avoid unintended changes to your resources.

Additional Resources

For more information on Azure CLI and subnet updates, refer to the following resources:

Stay tuned for more Azure CLI tutorials and best practices!

Keyword Description
Azure CLI A command-line tool for managing Azure resources
Etag A unique identifier assigned to each Azure resource
Conditional updates Updates that are applied only if a specific condition is met
Concurrency control Ensuring that multiple users or scripts don’t overwrite each other’s changes

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re working with Azure CLI and need to update subnets with precision, you’re in the right place! Here are some FAQs to guide you through the process.

How do I specify that a certain subnet update operation should only be applied if the etag of the subnet resource has a certain value?

You can use the `–if-match` parameter followed by the desired etag value. For example, `az network subnet update –if-match “etag_value”`. This will ensure that the update operation only proceeds if the etag of the subnet resource matches the specified value.

What happens if I don’t specify the `–if-match` parameter?

If you omit the `–if-match` parameter, the update operation will be applied regardless of the etag value. This may lead to unintended changes if someone else has modified the subnet resource since you last retrieved it.

How do I get the current etag value of a subnet resource?

You can use the `az network subnet show` command to retrieve the subnet resource details, including the etag value. For example, `az network subnet show –resource-group “resource_group_name” –name “subnet_name” –query “etag”`. This will display the current etag value.

Can I update multiple subnets with the same etag value in a single command?

No, you cannot update multiple subnets with the same etag value in a single command. You need to issue a separate `az network subnet update` command for each subnet, specifying the corresponding etag value.

What if I want to update a subnet regardless of its etag value?

If you want to update a subnet without checking the etag value, you can use the `–if-none-match` parameter with an asterisk (`*`) as the value. For example, `az network subnet update –if-none-match “*”`.

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